Plot: Das Blaue Palais is a series of five TV feature films written and directed by German author and filmmaker Rainer Erler. All five stories about the research and findings of an interdisciplinary scientific project have also been published as novels by Goldmann in 1978, 1979 and 1980. Wikipedia
Plot: Das Millionenspiel is a German action/sci-fi television film of 1970, directed by Tom Toelle and starring Jörg Pleva, Suzanne Roquette and Dieter Thomas Heck. It was aired on 18 October 1970 by the ARD. Wikipedia
Plot: Speer und Er is a three-part German docudrama starring Sebastian Koch as Albert Speer and Tobias Moretti as Adolf Hitler. It mixes historical film material with reconstructions, as well as interviews with three of Speer's children, Albert Speer, Jr., Arnold Speer and Hilde Schramm. Wikipedia