Plot: Spike TV was the original home of the popular "Ultimate Fighter" reality series for the UFC. Now the network is back in the same game, this time partnering with mixed martial arts promotion Bellator MMA to find up-and-coming fighters. The series' first season showcases the quest of 32 welterweights...
Plot: Determined to revive boxing in Boston, gym owner and former fighter Peter Welch formulates a plan to revitalize the sport: each week, trainers from rival boxing gyms across Boston choose their top amateur fighters to represent their gyms in a bout. After seven days of intense training, the fighters...
Plot: Katie Boyd, a brash former beauty queen, is wicked fit -- "wicked" being a slang term for extreme that is popular in New England, where Boyd resides. Boyd, retired from the pageant circuit, now runs Katie Boyd's Miss Fit Club, a boutique gym exclusively for women. The gym's mission is to get the next...
Plot: In addition to being best friends and roommates, Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson are business partners who run a popular fitness website. The personal trainers and lifestyle coaches stop at nothing in order to push themselves and their brand, Tone It Up, to the next level. The duo take pride in being...
Plot: Fitness lovers usually avoid dessert, but the ones featured on "Sweat Inc." have their hands out for a big slice of the billion-dollar exercise-industry pie. Starring acclaimed health and wellness expert Jillian Michaels ("The Biggest Loser"), the competition series aims to find the concept or product...
Plot: Peter Jones has a wealth of experience in the business world, having either built or bought a portfolio of companies ranging from telecoms and leisure to publishing, media and retail. His successful track record -- and the wealth he has earned along the way -- now allows him to nurture and develop...
Plot: Mickey Stone leads a group of highly-skilled, professional fraudsters, who overcome obstacles in order to pull off a series of complicated scams.
Plot: Jon Taffer is the Gordon Ramsay of the bar and nightclub business. In each episode of this programme, Taffer helps transform a struggling bar into a vibrant, profitable business, utilizing his expertise as a nightlife consultant who has started, flipped or owned more than 600 bars and clubs in his...