Plot: This series explores the world of larger-than-life individuals who struggle with weight issues. Topics explored include yo-yo dieting, women who sell their larger-sized bodies, gastric bands that go wrong and obese people who are unemployed. The documentary addresses the reality of living with obesity...
Plot: Channel 4 explores the fluidity of gender in their reality series `Genderquake'. The series asks contemporary provocative questions such as: `What is gender? How do we define it? How do we live with it?'. The different episodes discuss everything from gender fluidity, to transitioning, to the act of...
Plot: Following people living with rare medical conditions and unusual abilities, as they break free from stereotypes and excel in areas previously closed to them.
Plot: A series of short films profiling inspirational people who have conditions that causes them to live their lives differently, from twin boys with autism to a woman with two vaginas.
Plot: The `Embarrassing Bodies' doctors are back, once again aiming to de-stigmatise common complaints that many people would rather ignore than take to their GP. Dr Christian Jessen, Dr Dawn Harper and Dr Pixie McKenna take a look at patients' ailments and discuss treatment plans.
Plot: In this documentary series, two people suffering from the effects of severe diets are placed in a medically supervised environment and swap diets for five days, after which they follow a healthy eating plan for three months before returning for a final weigh-in and health screening. The program also...
Plot: 60 Second Docs is a web series produced by Indigenous Media of original, short documentary videos produced and distributed weekly. The series launched on 26 July 2016 with two original videos. In 2019 the series received the Webby Award for Video - Documentary. Wikipedia
Plot: Humanity is more in touch with each other than ever before as advancements in technology and the world media have allowed endless issues and events to be broadcast across the world instantaneously. Despite this, there are countless untold stories of people which go unreported and are essentially ignored...
Plot: The top-notch team of hosts Hana Gartner, Linden MacIntyre, Bob McKeown and Gillian Findlay provides unique and engaging documentaries from Canada and beyond. For more than three decades, Canadians have tuned in to experience interesting stories that are always well-crafted and thought-provoking.
Plot: The award-winning docudrama series tells the extraordinary stories of ordinary people who found themselves in epic survival situations. First-person accounts from the survivors combine with re-enactments to bring back to life the emotional and physical journey they faced in their fight to stay alive...