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Second Holmes
Description: Series following the grandsons of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in their mission to solve mysteries. Genre: Comedy series Cast: Peter Egan
Plot: The Adventures of Shirley Holmes is a Canadian mystery TV series that originally aired from May 7, 1996 to May 7, 2001. The show was created by Ellis Iddon and Phil Meagher who had produced a successful series of books with Harper Collins, teaming up with Credo and Forefront to develop the TV series...
Plot: Arthur Conan Doyle's creation Sherlock Holmes first appeared in publication in the 19th century, but the classic detective fights crime in the future in this animated series. The 22nd-century world is crime-free until Holmes' greatest adversary, professor James Moriarty, is accidentally cloned by a...
Plot: The Hound of the Baskervilles is a British television serial made by the BBC, produced by Barry Letts, directed by Peter Duguid and starring Tom Baker as Sherlock Holmes and Terence Rigby as Doctor Watson. The serial is based on Arthur Conan Doyle's 1902 Sherlock Holmes novel The Hound of the Baskervilles...
Plot: Sherlock Holmes uses his abilities to take on cases by private clients and those that the Scotland Yard are unable to solve, along with his flatmate Dr. Watson.
Plot: Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady and its sequel, Incident at Victoria Falls, were a pair of two TV films made in 1991 under the banner Sherlock Holmes the Golden Years. Harry Alan Towers was executive producer and Bob Shayne was the writer, on both. Wikipedia
Plot: Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Referring to himself as a "consulting detective" in the stories, Holmes is known for his proficiency ... Wikipedia
Plot: Sherlock, a recovering drug addict, and Joan Watson, a former surgeon hired to aid Sherlock in his rehabilitation, help the New York Police Department solve difficult crimes.
Plot: King Edward ask Sherlock Holmes to perform one more task before his retirement: to safeguard the Star of Africa on a trip to Cape Town. Soon the fabled jewel is stolen and several people end up being murdered.