Description: Sea Wolf is a 2-part TV miniseries adapting the 1904 novel The Sea-Wolf, written by Jack London. Wikipedia Genre: TV program Number of episodes: 2 Initial Release: November 4, 2009 Director: Mike Barker Network: ZDF Music Composed By: Richard G. Mitchell
Plot: Greed, politics and journalism are at the heart of this Norwegian thriller that follows six days in the life of journalist Peter Veras. After receiving an anonymous tip of a financial scandal, he begins an investigation that leads to evidence of Norway's elite being involved in financial fraud. One...
Plot: This mockumentary-style comedy drama follows a group of outsiders living on the fringe of society. At the group's core is Derek Noakes, a tender, innocent man who works at a retirement home. Derek's love for his job and the people he cares for is evident in everything he does. Derek, who is in his 4...
Plot: To the Ends of the Earth is the name given to a trilogy of nautical, relational novelsu2014Rites of Passage, Close Quarters, and Fire Down Below u2014by British author William Golding. Wikipedia
Plot: Sophie Haas wanted to be promoted to head of the Cologne Murder Department but instead of climbing the career ladder, she is unexpectedly transferred to Hengasch.
Plot: The story of Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division from 1942 to the end of World War II. A collection of fifty portraits illustrated by archive footage and recounted in voice.
Plot: A surgeon sets up an illicit clinic in the tunnels below the Temple tube station to find a cure for his ill wife, but he must fund his operation by treating criminals and other desperate patients who cannot seek help from regular medical facilities.
Plot: Mary, the Queen of Scots, arrives in France at the age of fifteen and marries Prince Francis. She starts a friendship with her handmaidens and they become best friends.
Plot: This historical drama takes a look at events taking place on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean during the turbulent Restoration period of the 1600s. Young, idealistic renegade Abe Goffe is determined to fight for England to become a true republic. A romantic at heart, he falls for privileged Beth and...
Plot: This drama series looks at the world of humans, gods and monsters in mythological times. The story begins during a time when the gods have been banished to the underworld. Hero, a brave young man and bastard son of arrogant King Aegeus, embarks on a journey to find out the truth about his past. What...
Plot: In 1715, diabolical pirate Edward Teach -- aka Blackbeard -- rules a group of outlaws and miscreant sailors on the Bahamian island of New Providence. Half shantytown and half marauder's paradise, the unique society proves to be a threat to international commerce. Tom Lowe, a skilled undercover assassin...
Plot: After scoring a hit with a series set in the 1960s, AMC travels much further back in time for `TURN: Washington's Spies',' a Revolutionary War-era drama based on the same-named Alexander Rose novel. The series goes beyond the battlefront to a conflict involving everyday men and women, taking place in...
Plot: Following the intertwined fates of the picture-perfect Richardson family and an enigmatic mother and daughter who upend their lives. Set in Shaker Heights, Ohio in the 1990s.
Plot: Raumpatrouille u2013 Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion, also known as Raumpatrouille Orion, and Space Patrol Orion in English, was the first German science fiction television series. Its seven episodes were broadcast by ARD beginning 17 September 1966. Wikipedia
Plot: There's money to be made in the fur trade in the 1700s, which is why Declan Harp is trying to get a piece of it. The outlaw trapper is leading a campaign to breach the Hudson's Bay Company's monopoly on fur in Canada. Lord Benton, on the other hand, is bent on restoring the company's stranglehold on...