Plot: Investigation Discovery's "American Murder Mystery" franchise presents the confounding case of Kathleen Peterson, who in 2001 was found dead at the bottom of a staircase in her North Carolina home. Investigators homed in on her husband, novelist Michael Peterson, who claimed it was an accident. This...
Plot: When 23-year-old mother of four Stacy Peterson vanishes, suspicion lands on her police officer husband, Drew; investigators discover Drew is no stranger to tragedy after finding out his previous wife died under mysterious circumstances.
Plot: In 2001 novelist Michael Peterson's wife died, and he claimed she perished after falling down stairs at their home. The medical examiner, however, determined that she had been beaten with a weapon, which led to Peterson becoming a suspect in what would become a murder investigation. This series, which...
Plot: After 27-year-old expectant mother Laci Peterson vanishes on Christmas Eve, suspicion falls on her husband, Scott, who becomes the lead suspect in a gripping investigation, the defendant in an explosive trial and the subject of a national spectacle.
Plot: This three-part miniseries re-examines a salacious, sensational murder case defined by sex, obsession, and jealousy gone wrong. In 2008, 30-year-old Travis Alexander is found dead, lying in a pool of his own blood in the shower of his home. With no known enemies, Alexander's family and friends are...
Plot: Gregg Smart, a 24-year-old, is found brutally murdered inside the entrance to his condo. An examination into the investigation that led to finding out if Gregg's wife, Pamela Smart, was the one who orchestrated the murder.
Plot: A three-night expose into the 2008 murder of toddler Caylee Anthony, one of the most captivating and controversial cases in recent history, sheds new light on the crime and unexpected verdict. Investigative journalists definitively look at every angle of the case and whirlwind prosecution of Caylee...