Plot: Comedian Susan Calman takes a light-hearted jaunt around her homeland to visit some of Scotland's most iconic destinations, including Loch Ness, Edinburgh Castle, Rosslyn Chapel and Skara Brae, discovering the nearly forgotten legends and secret stories within. As Calman embarks upon this adventure...
Plot: Paul Murton experiences island life. He uncovers the past and reveals its connections with the present, pointing to the quirky, the surprising and the beautiful lying just offshore.
Plot: As climate change threatens to impose upon the Scotland's exposed Western Isles, Sean Batty finds out how the weather impacts the islands' stunning landscape, how it shapes the lives of the people who live there and unearths the challenges they face.
Plot: Presenter Jennifer Reoch and a host of wildlife experts and people who care for animals explore the animals and creatures all around our towns and cities that make Scotland home.