Plot: Following the success of "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!," the lily-livered Great Dane and those meddling kids returned in a new series for more brushes with the spooky, this time rubbing shoulders with famous celebrities along the way. The show's duration was expanded to one hour, allowing for double...
Plot: The team is back and just as courageous, adventurous, humorous and obsessed with cases like before. They are joined by celebrities in their adventures and ghost hunts and in search of puzzles to solve.
Plot: Brainiac Velma, jock Fred, fashionista Daphne, hippie Shaggy, and Shaggy's highstrung, talking Great Dane, Scooby-Doo, climb into their green van, the Mystery Machine, and hit the road in search of weird phenomena to solve. And even when Scooby and the gang aren't actively searching for them, mysteries...
Plot: The Scooby-Doo gang travels in the Mystery Machine looking forward to adventure during their last summer together. However, they encounter monsters that threaten to thwart their journey.
Plot: Mystery Inc. teammates Shaggy, Scooby, Velma, Daphne and Fred have creepy adventures and new mysteries to solve. Always meeting some new ghost or monster, the band of teens and their pal Scooby-Doo have new gadgets and inventions that help on their detective adventures.
Plot: This incarnation of the popular cartoon series finds Scooby and the gang living in Crystal Cove, a small town with a long history of ghost sightings, monster tales and other mysteries ripe for the sleuths to solve once and for all. But the longstanding Crystal Cove residents, who bank on the town's...