Plot: True-crime series are a staple of the TV landscape. "Corrupt Crimes" analyzes recent criminal cases through a combination of expert testimony and dramatic storytelling. From crimes like doping in sports to more serious offenses like murder, the series exposes what is really going on in each case. Exposing...
Plot: Some of the world's most notorious murders are the subject of `It Takes a Killer', which investigates the crimes from the perspective of the killers, trying to get inside their minds and determine their motives. Leading homicide investigators and experts from such agencies as the FBI and Scotland Yard...
Plot: Created by viewer demand, the series is a spinoff of "This Old House" and answers specific remodeling questions that viewers send in. The cast includes host Kevin O'Connor, general contractor Tom Silva, heating/plumbing master Richard Trethewey and landscaper Roger Cook, who spend the hour focusing...