Plot: In a search for the best of British science, physicist Brian Cox travels to the locations where some of his science heroes have made important strides. Once at the location, Cox introduces the person behind the discovery, re-creates experiments and reveals the scientist's legacy. While paying homage...
Plot: Disney XD's version of "Sport Science" takes segments, three per episode, from corporate sibling ESPN's version of the show and gears it more toward young people, with "Kickin' It" star Leo Howard joining John Brenkus as co-host. The pair use scientific experiments in a state-of-the-art facility to...
Plot: How will today's cutting-edge science and breakthroughs in technology change the world in years to come? Professor Stephen Hawking attempts to find out in this six-part series. He enlists the help of five top scientists who travel the world to test the newest and most exciting inventions in areas including...
Plot: "Naked Science" strips away the layers of a scientific investigation into one of the big mysteries of our time, revealing through expert analysis realistic scenarios that either confirm or deny long-held assumptions and misconceptions.