Plot: Familie Heinz Becker is a German television series that aired from 1992 through 2004. The show revolves around the lives of Heinz Becker and his family, as well as those of neighbors and onlookers, although the focus of the series changed over the course of the series. Wikipedia
Plot: After 15 years away from the emergency room at Cologne hospital, Ella is forced to return to service in order to be able to raise her three children. Recently separated, she faces financial difficulties and has no choice. Including that of facing Nora, her former best friend who now runs the service...
Plot: GSG 9 is a German TV series about the special unit GSG 9 der Bundespolizei of the German Federal Police. It premièred in the Spring of 2007. Its original title, GSG 9 - Ihr Einsatz ist ihr Leben, is a pun on the word Einsatz. Einsatz can be translated as "mission, stake, bet, dedication", depending...
Plot: Quiz show with Günther Jauch in which the contestants can win up to one million euros. But first, they must answer a series of 15 difficult questions.
Plot: Die glückliche Familie is a German television series made up of three seasons, and has a total of 52 episodes. The series ran from 1987 to 1991 on Wednesdays. This show tells the story of the Behringer family living through their day-to-day problems. Wikipedia
Plot: Die Harald Schmidt Show was a German late night talk show hosted on Sky Deutschland by comedian Harald Schmidt. The show first aired from 5 December 1995 to 23 December 2003 on Sat.1. Schmidt then moved his show to Das Erste as Harald Schmidt and Schmidt & Pocher, but he returned to Sat.1 on 13 September...
Plot: Wetten, dass..? was a German-language entertainment television show. It was the most successful Saturday television show in Europe. Its format was the basis for the British show You Bet! and the American show Wanna Bet? Wikipedia
Plot: Ina Müller talks to two, sometimes three, guests at the bar of the pub, and gives the visitors the opportunity to ask questions to the respective guests. In addition to the talks, the presenter usually sings a song with each guest.
Plot: Christine. Perfekt war gestern! is a German television sitcom first aired on 22 August 2013 on RTL. It is an adoption of the American series The New Adventures of Old Christine. Wikipedia
Plot: In the fictitious lower Bavarian town of Kaltenthal, a feud brews between Mayor Wolfgang Wöller and the nun sister Lotte from the local monastery.