Plot: The title of "social worker" doesn't seem to justly describe Mark Lilly's job. Perhaps "social miracle worker" comes closer. He's the central figure in this animated horror-comedy series, set at the Department of Integration in New York, where Lilly begins the process of helping new citizens -- both...
Plot: The passage of time often has a way of rewriting history. So does a few drinks. The half-hour series "Drunk History" -- based on the award-winning web series -- shows how by re-enacting famous events in history as told by inebriated storytellers. Each episode takes a tour of a U.S. city to explore...
Plot: Upon first look, "Comedy Bang! Bang!" is like any late-night talk show... until the guests sit down and the interviews commence. Then it veers off in all sorts of directions, most of which include unfiltered and improvised dialogue. The show is based on host Scott Aukerman's popular podcast of the...
Plot: Counselors and campers check in for what's billed as "the summer of your life" at Maine's Camp Firewood in 1981. The Netflix original is a prequel to the 2001 cult film "Wet Hot American Summer," and features many of the same actors, portraying even younger versions of themselves than they did in the...
Plot: The many offbeat and eccentric characters created by Nick Kroll are showcased in this sketch comedy/pop culture series. Kroll, who has starred in his own Comedy Central stand-up specials as well as appeared in sitcoms "The League," "Parks and Recreation" and "Childrens Hospital," among others, performs...
Plot: When young suburbanite Penn Zero unexpectedly inherits a job that most kids could only dream about having -- being a superhero -- he jumps fully into his new, part-time duties. He still has to live his normal, everyday life, which includes going to school, but after school is when the fun begins. Penn...
Plot: Based on the award-winning Web series, "Childrens Hospital" focuses on a group of doctors, nurses and other staffers at, of course, a hospital for children. These doctors are a dedicated bunch -- dedicated to their social lives, raucous senses of humor and healthy libidos, that is. Their focus changes...
Plot: Based on Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's popular website, this half-hour sketch comedy series provides an anything-goes forum for young actors, comics and writers to continue developing their craft, and features special guest stars in roles that aim to push the envelope.
Plot: The creative skills of comedy writers, animators and voice talents are on display in `Triptank'. The half-hour series showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting shorts delivered in a variety of animation styles, with a cast of contributors including Wayne Brady, Bob Odenkirk, Curtis Armstrong...
Plot: Meet Tawny, Shauna, Veronica, Phe Phe, Crystal and Amanda. Not your average housewives; they're not even on the level of "Real Housewives" stars. No, they are a notch above that. In this Hulu original -- a scripted parody of the popular franchise -- the six "hotwives" enjoy ultraglamorous lives in...
Plot: HBO's decidedly adult animated comedy series ventures into the nether regions of Earth's least inhabitable environment, New York City, which is home to a motley crew of downtrodden creatures. Whether it's lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons or aging bedbugs in the midst of a midlife crisis, the...
Plot: Conan O'Brien is among the executive producers of this late-night variety program that should benefit viewers, from O'Brien himself -- or more accurately, his popular TBS talk show that immediately precedes "The Pete Holmes Show." The Monday-Thursday series, which is taped before a studio audience,...
Plot: Louis La Fonda is no Wolf Blitzer. He's the host of "Newsreaders," a newsmagazine show that goes in-depth on stories that no other news organizations think are stories -- probably because they're not. But that won't stop La Fonda from covering them. "Newsreaders" features appearances by guest stars...
Plot: The sketch comedy team of Aziz Ansari, Rob Huebel and Paul Scheer performs edgy and often downright twisted sketches. The short clips first gained popularity online and through live shows in New York, and Ansari parlayed the attention into a starring role on NBC's sitcom "Parks and Recreation."