Plot: `Britain's Big Wildlife Revival' sheds light on the plight of some of the country's most iconic species that are threatened and potentially could face extinction. The six-part series is hosted by ecologist and `Countryfile' presenter Ellie Harrison, who welcomes three guest presenters on each episode...
Plot: This long-running documentary series follows the work of Wildlife Aid, an animal rescue and rehabilitation centre based in Surrey, England. The show is presented by Wildlife Aid co-founder Simon Cowell (not the famous music executive) and veterinary nurse Sara Cowen. While Cowell is generally featured...
Plot: This wildlife documentary, produced for and aired on the BBC in 2009, is a follow-up to a book and radio series that chronicled the expeditions of writer Douglas Adams and zoologist Mark Carwardine, whose mission was to find and report on some of the most endangered species around the world. The six...
Plot: Conservationists journey into the fascinating world of the wild to fight to save endangered species. All over the globe, these people are championing the lives of the animals they care dearly about.