Plot: Ylen aamu-tv is a Finnish TV morning news and magazine programme directed by Annina Enbuske and Erja Ollonen which has been broadcast on Yle TV1 in Finland since 3 March 1997. The programme is relayed outside of Finland by TV Finland which is available terrestrially in parts of Sweden. Wikipedia
Plot: Yle Nyheter TV-nytt is the name of the daily television news programmes on the Swedish-speaking Finnish TV channel Yle Teema & Fem, at the Finnish Broadcasting Company. The programme is also broadcast on TV Finland. Wikipedia
Plot: Urheiluruutu is a daily sports magazine produced and broadcast by Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle. The programme originally launched on August 18, 1962. The sportsreader was Anssi Kukkonen and the programme was gathered up by Seppo Kannas. Wikipedia
Plot: Huomenta Suomi is a Finnish breakfast television, originally broadcast on Kolmoskanava, then on MTV3. The show was launched on December 1, 1989. The program airs from 6:25 to 9:05 AM, with news and weather every half hour. Wikipedia
Plot: Ajankohtainen kakkonen was a Finnish current affairs television series broadcast in Finland on Yle TV2 from 1969 to 2015. Aired every Tuesday at 21.00 EET. Wikipedia