Plot: Homeland is the fourth film in a series about two Palestinians families George Sluizer followed since 1974. Homeland is also a personal film about George's motivation and his relationship with members of the two families who became very close. They are now scattered around the world, unable to return...
Plot: Finalmente soli is an Italian sitcom. It is a spin-off of Io e la mamma. After the closing of the series, three TV-movies were produced between 2007 and 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Non è la RAI was an Italian TV show, on air from 9 September 1991 to 30 June 1995. Initially broadcast by Canale 5, from January 1993 it was moved to Italia 1. It was presented by Enrica Bonaccorti in its first season, Paolo Bonolis in the second and Ambra Angiolini in the third and fourth. Wikipedia...