Plot: Lorong Waktu is an Islamic religious science fiction television series produced by PT Demi Gisela Citra Sinema and aired by SCTV every Ramadan month in 6 seasons from 1999 until 2006. The series was created by Deddy Mizwar who also one of lead character and director/producer in the series. Wikipedia...
Plot: Adit & Sopo Jarwo is an Indonesian animated children's series of shorts films that was released on January 27, 2014 and broadcast on MNCTV. The film was produced by MD Animation. In addition on MNCTV, the series has also had aired on Global TV. Wikipedia
Plot: Kiko is an Indonesian children's television series broadcast on RCTI. This animated series was produced by MNC Animation, was aired since August 9, 2014 and February 7, 2016. This animated series was adapted from the comic strip Kisah si Kiko from children's magazine, Just for Kids since July 2010....