Plot: Best-selling children's books are brought to life in this series designed for children aged 2 to 6. Sammy, story-chef extraordinaire, uses his magic pan to cook up tales for the enjoyment of his two friends, Wiggy and Sharlene. "Make Way for Ducklings," "The Snowy Day," "Caps for Sale," "Harold and...
Plot: Sammy and Ray are two turtles that live happily with their friends and relatives in a coral reef under the water. Desperate for an adventure, together with best friends Ricky and lively octopus Annabel they all explore the ocean together.
Plot: Harry the Bunny is a children's television show on the channel BabyFirstTV. It features a plush "talking" bunny named Harry and his many adventures both inside his house and in his backyard. The show teaches things such as color recognition, counting, etc. and even delves into social interaction and...