Plot: -Kaboum tells the adventures of a group of children who meet daily at the Bordeleau grocery store. The place is fascinating, especially as it serves as a cover for the Karmadors, superheroes with superpowers who work tirelessly to protect the water of Kaboum and fight the bad Krashmals whose ultimate...
Plot: -Quebec television series (in Canada) for children aged 2 to 5 years in 195 (22-minute) episodes broadcast from September 12, 2011 to December 6, 2013 on Télé-Québec and TFO. In the heart of the remains of a huge castle lives Jean-Jean, a giant with legendary strength, in the company of his two children...
Plot: The adventures of a group of teenagers, all members of a mixed football team and all seeing sport as a great opportunity to meet up with their friends. They have fun, overcome hurdles, experience hard knocks and discover multiple dimensions.
Plot: -The story takes place in 2175 with six children, Alex, Bao, Mia, Rufus, Shaolanne and William, and their families. They travel through the universe aboard the Argo in order to discover unknown territories and meet the new aliens, who are not all nice. Each member of the Argonauts has their own power...
Plot: Macaroni is a Cartoon dog who was given life by a Magician through a Drawing. Both of them along many friends and family members experience great adventures with the help of magic, like summoning Napoleon and Don Quichotte.
Plot: Deux familles aménagent ensemble: la famille Laporte-Carpentier et la famille L'Espérance. Leur vie nous est racontée du point de vue de Simon et de Sélina, deux jeunes préadolescents que le coup de foudre de leurs parents réunit sous un même toit. La cohabitation n'est pas toujours facile et...
Plot: Jacques and Francine, an estranged couple who lost their daughter, embark on a quest to learn the truth and form an association to offer support to the friends and family of missing persons.