Plot: Avrupa Yakası is a Turkish sitcom, produced by Sinan Ãetin and written by Gülse Birsel. The series was shot at Plato Film studios and its first episode was broadcast on ATV on 11 February 2004. Hakan Algül directed the first season of the series, which was a completely domestic production...
Plot: Ä°Åler Güçler is a Turkish comedy drama series which aired first on 28 June 2012 on Star TV and tells the story of three actors, with the motto Modern Muzip Yalanlar. The main actors are Ahmet Kural, Murat Cemcir and Sadi Celil Cengiz who are using their real names in the TV series...
Plot: Hayat Åarkısı is a Turkish romantic drama television series, starring Burcu Biricik, Birkan Sokullu, Tayanç Ayaydın, Ecem Ãzkaya, Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan and Seray Gözler. It premiered on Kanal D on February 9, 2016 and concluded on June 6, 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Born in the same hospital, Leyla and Mecnun shared a crib as babies. As adults, they fall in love despite their very different family backgrounds.
Plot: Halil, who started smuggling in order to change his sister's fate in the Aegean in the 1900s, will turn from a simple peasant trying to earn his living to a warrior who will become the lover of the people with his fair personality.
Plot: While the situation is hopeless in their private lives, Galip and Sabiha meet. Galip is boss, Sabiha is a small employee. These two somehow get closer.
Plot: 'Capkin' is a young, handsome boy who spends most of his time acting as a vagabond. One day, he makes a bet with his closest friends that he will immediately pick up the first girl who enters the neighborhood.
Plot: A wife who is a doorman in a loyal and a Feride apartment. Sadik is a loyal lazy man so cunning. He makes all the affairs of the apartment to Feride. As all these are not enough, they sit illegally in the apartment entrusted to clean up Feride. A wife who is a doorman in a loyal and a Feride apartment...