Plot: Adventurer Ben Fogle travels across the plains of Africa in this documentary series. Over four episodes the presenter follows the natural migration of wildebeest, with the help of Dr Grant Hopcroft, who has been given permission to satellite tag the animals. The journey itself takes place throughout...
Plot: This volume reproduces Lawrence's epic, sixty-panel series of paintings depicting the post-World War I migration of African Americans from the rural South to the industrial North. ... Google Books
Plot: `Move as millions. Survive as one'. That's the catchphrase of this seven-part event for which a National Geographic team spent two-plus years recording across 20 countries and all seven continents. Narrated by Alec Baldwin, it tells the stories of many of the planet's species and the journeys they undertake...
Plot: The intimate lives of lions, leopards and cheetahs of the Masai Mara; a journey of motherhood, survival, and territorial battles, with each character facing challenges of life on the African plains.
Plot: The day-to-day lives of majestic animals, including lions, zebras, baboons and cheetahs, over the course of a year in Tanzania are documented in "Serengeti." As the season of plenty starts to come to an end, food is harder to find and the animals are put to the ultimate test. There are new arrivals...