Plot: Salah Al-Din is a 2001 historical Arabic television series directed by Hatem Ali which deals with the political events in the sixth century AH in the region of the Levant and Egypt, in the scene of the Crusades. Wikipedia
Plot: Muawiya, Al Hassan wa al Hussein or Al-Hassan wa Al-Hussain is a 2011 Arab television drama series based on the lives of Hasan ibn Ali and Husain Ibn Ali. Wikipedia
Plot: The Imam series or Bin Hanbal series or Ahmed bin Hanbal series, is a historical television series produced by Qatar Media Foundation, which carried out the work in cooperation with Al-Buraq Qatari ... Wikipedia
Plot: Muhammad: The Final Legacy or Qamar Bani Hashim is a 2008 historical Arab drama series directed by Mohammad Sheikh Najib, which is currently airing on Islam Channel weekly. It is the first drama series which has depicted the life of Muhammad mostly maintaining the Islamic traditions and depictional...