Plot: YG Future Strategy Office, also known as YG FSO, is a South Korean web television series on Netflix starring Seungri as the head of YG Entertainment's fictional strategic resources department, with Yoo Byung-jae, Baek Young-kwang, Kim Ga-eun, Son Se-bin, and Sechs Kies' Lee Jai-jin starring as his co...
Plot: This whodunnit series is more "Keystone Cops" than "Sherlock Holmes." A panel of Korean entertainers teams up with some of the biggest names in K-drama to solve mysteries. Each episode sees the bumbling detectives trying to solve a different case, based on vignettes presented by famous Korean actors...
Plot: A look at the lives of the seven members of South Korean K-Pop group BTS, who have become one of the hottest bands in the world, as they tour across the globe for their Wings: Live Trilogy World Tour.