Plot: "On My Block" follows a quartet of bright, street-savvy friends who are navigating their way through high school, including all the of the triumph, pain and newness they experience along the way. Lifelong friendships are tested as Monse, Ruby, Jamal and Cesar confront the challenges of adolescence...
Plot: Twelve-year-old Elena, a Cuban-American girl, navigates the ups and downs of middle school and begins her journey to become the future president of the United States.
Plot: Spencer James is a rising football player who makes the shift to an affluent Beverly Hills school on his coach's advice. He struggles to find his footing as the new team is threatened by his arrival.
Plot: "David Makes Man" is a drama series created by Academy Award-winning screenwriter Tarell Alvin McCraney ("Moonlight"). Set in South Florida, this lyrical coming-of-age story centers on a teenage prodigy named David who lives in the projects but attends a magnet school for academically gifted youngsters...
Plot: Atticus Black joins his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America in search of his missing father.
Plot: This Netflix original series follows college football teams that aren't major programs and don't get much national attention. After a couple seasons of profiling recruits at East Mississippi Community College, which has won several NJCAA national titles, the reality series shifts its focus to Independence...
Plot: The story of Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division from 1942 to the end of World War II. A collection of fifty portraits illustrated by archive footage and recounted in voice.
Plot: "Queen Sugar" tells the story of the estranged Bordelon siblings in Louisiana. At the center of the family are Nova, a journalist and activist; Charley, the wife and manager of an NBA player; and formerly incarcerated father Ralph Angel, who is searching for redemption. Following a tragedy in the family...
Plot: In February 1965, Malcolm X is murdered; three men are arrested, but only one admits to being part of the plot; decades later, one activist pledges to find the real killers, and vows to learn the truth about what officials knew regarding the crime.
Plot: Rainbow Johnson recounts her experience growing up in a mixed-race family in the '80s and the constant dilemmas she and the family members had to face over whether to assimilate or stay true to themselves. Bow's parents, Paul and Alicia, decide to move from a hippie commune to the suburbs to better...