Plot: The Sound of Your Heart is a South Korean webtoon series written and illustrated by Jo Seok. The webtoon was first released on the Naver WEBTOON internet portal in 2006. In 2007, the first print volume was released and The Sound of Your Heart was adapted into a TV series of the same name in 2015. Wikipedia...
Plot: A woman with a chance to climb up in social status ends up falling into a bottomless pit instead. She tries to seek happiness from where she is at.
Plot: The love story between a top actress and an airline director who each suffers an unusual phenomenon. He suffers from prosopagnosia, while every month she transforms into someone else for a week.
Plot: This horror romantic-comedy drama is about the mysterious things that happen when a drama writer who sees ghosts meets a top star who plays the main character of her script.
Plot: Despite an increasingly hostile world, Ko Dongman and Choi Aera decide not to give up. No matter what others say, together they make their own way to live a happy life.