Plot: A distinguished chef visits struggling restaurants and their crew and offers help. Each episode addresses one restaurant and then plot is always the same. The chef surprises the crew, after a short chit chat about the problems he invites a group of people for a "Testessen" after which the restaurant...
Plot: A mix of non-scripted TV staples food and business, `Million Pound Menu' allows aspiring restaurant owners to coin their food and business plans to some of the most influential investors of the food industry. With substantial amounts of money ready to be spent on the brightest cooking talents, the series...
Plot: Michel Roux Jr, a British two-star Michelin chef, travels across the nation to visit unusual clandestine eateries and chat with culinary individualists.
Plot: Chef Gordon Ramsay visits failing restaurants across the USA in an attempt to revive their businesses. He and his team access the damage and help the owners get back into business.
Plot: Ich bin ein Star â Holt mich hier raus!, colloquially referred to as the Dschungelcamp, is the German version of the British reality television show I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!. Wikipedia