Plot: Winner of a Golden Globe and 11 Emmy awards, "Eleanor and Franklin" stars Edward Herrmann and Jane Alexander. The movie chronologically orders the first four decades of the lives of Eleanor and Franklin. You will get to experience the various.
Plot: Amerika is an American television miniseries that was broadcast in 1987 on ABC. The miniseries inspired a novelization entitled Amerika: The Triumph of the American Spirit. Amerika starred Kris Kristofferson, Mariel Hemingway, Sam Neill, Robert Urich, and a 17-year-old Lara Flynn Boyle in her first...
Plot: This drama depicts the United States' war against a brutal, family-run narcotics cartel as Drug Enforcement Agency operatives square off against charismatic drug chieftain Miguel Cadena. The ongoing fight never allows its undercover warriors to know who is friend or foe - even among family - and stealthy...
Plot: Island Son is an American medical drama television series that aired on CBS from September 16, 1989 to March 15, 1990 during the 1989Γ’90 schedule. Island Son marked the return to regular weekly series television of Richard Chamberlain, who had not so appeared since his Dr. Kildare...
Plot: Eccentric LAPD detective Michael Raines has what some would call a unique ability -- he's able to have detailed conversations with deceased crime victims. With their help, Raines is able to retrace their lives leading up to the murder, in hopes of finding the culprit. Naturally, this causes a bit of...
Plot: Miley Stewart, an average teenage girl, lives a double life as a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana and constantly tries to conceal her true identity from the public.
Plot: Beulah Land is a 1980 three-part television miniseries which aired on NBC. The Civil War themed series received heavy criticism as being racially offensive as it was being made. Wikipedia
Plot: Sensitive, introspective adults or self-absorbed, whiny yuppies? That debate still rages around this drama series about a group of close-knit friends in Philadelphia. Michael and Elliot, colleagues at a large ad agency, leave those jobs to open an agency of their own. Hope, Michael's overachieving wife...
Plot: Shaolin monk and martial-arts expert Caine flees China after his master is killed. Now he wanders the Old West of America, defending the helpless and beating down bad guys with his skills, all while trying to find his half-brother and evade Chinese bounty hunters.
Plot: Tom Clancy's Net Force is a novel series, created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik and originally written by Steve Perry. The original series ceased publication in 2006. There was also a spin-off of young adult books called Net Force Explorers. Wikipedia