Plot: Kassa is a Dutch consumer television program produced by BNNVARA, which was created by Felix Meurders and since 2011 is hosted by Brecht van Hulten. It premiered in 1989. The program focuses on consumer affairs, reviewing and testing products, and also doing investigative reporting on issues with products...
Plot: De Wereld Draait Door also known by the acronym DWDD was an early-evening talk show on Dutch television, broadcast every weekday at 7:00 p.m. on NPO 1. Wikipedia
Plot: Nieuwsuur is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10 pm on NPO 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Pauw & Witteman was a Dutch late-night talk show, hosted by Jeroen Pauw and Paul Witteman. It was generally focused on current affairs and politics. It was broadcast every weekday at 11 pm on Nederland 1. It was initially co-produced by Dutch public broadcasters NPS and VARA, and subsequently produced...
Plot: Andere Tijden is a history programme on Dutch television of the NTR and VPRO. There is also a version of the programme called Andere Tijden Sport, which shows programmes about sports history. Andere Tijden is currently presented by Astrid Sy and Andere Tijden Sport by Tom Egbers. Wikipedia
Plot: Countdown is a British game show involving word and number tasks. It is broadcast on Channel 4 and presented by Nick Hewer, assisted by Rachel Riley, with regular lexicographer Susie Dent. It was the first programme to be aired on Channel 4 and 81 series have been broadcast since its debut on 2 November...
Plot: This long-running, award-winning documentary series focuses on science - the speculation, history and researchers associated with it and its many applications. Inspired by the BBC documentary program `Horizons', the U.S. series frequently features interviews with scientists directly involved in the...
Plot: A landmark production that first aired in the 1970s, director Tony Palmer's 17-part documentary covers the history of modern popular music, from its earliest origins through the mid-'70s. Among the included genres are folk, ragtime, musical theatre, swing, jazz, blues and of course rock 'n' roll. Palmer...