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Ron und Tanja
Description: Ron und Tanja is a German television series. It originally aired as the ZDF Christmas series between 25-30 December 1990. Wikipedia Year Released: 1990 First episode air date: December 25, 1990
Plot: Jack Holborn was a 1982 ZDF Adventure TV mini-series. The story is based on the 1964 book by Leon Garfield. It was shown in the United Kingdom by ITV. Wikipedia
Plot: This mockumentary-style comedy drama follows a group of outsiders living on the fringe of society. At the group's core is Derek Noakes, a tender, innocent man who works at a retirement home. Derek's love for his job and the people he cares for is evident in everything he does. Derek, who is in his 4...
Plot: MS Germany heads for the most beautiful holiday destinations in the world. On board, everything is about jealousy and love stories, but also about friendships and reconciliation.
Plot: The homicide division of the Munich Police investigate complex crimes with a lot of intuition and insights, and a little bit of irony. Their direction changes over the decades, but one thing remains the same: the dedication of their leader.
Plot: Liebling Kreuzberg was a television series on ARD, which was first aired in five seasons with a total of 58 episodes from 1986 to 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Anna Lee is a British television crime drama series, first broadcast on 10 January 1993, that ran for a total of six episodes on ITV. The series, loosely based on the detective novels of Liza Cody, starred Imogen Stubbs as the title character, alongside Brian Glover, John Rowe, Peter Wight and Wil...
Plot: Timm Thaler is a 1979 children's television miniseries based on the 1962 children's novel by German writer James Krüss. The series originally aired in Germany as the first Christmas series on German national broadcaster ZDF. In 1983, the series was acquired for transmission in the United Kingdom...
Plot: Silas was a 1981 ZDF Adventure TV mini-series based on the Danish children's book „Silas og den sorte hoppe“ by Cecil Bødker who kept on writing instalments until 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Nonni and Manni is an adventure children's television series produced as a joint venture between Iceland and West Germany. It debuted on 26 December 1988 on West Germany's ZDF channel and lasted for six episodes with the last one being aired on 1 January 1989. Wikipedia
Plot: Mino was the eighth ZDF-Weihnachtsserie, and aired in 1986. The series was broadcast in Germany on ZDF, and consisted of 6 episodes. Broadcasting in Germany began on December 25, 1986. The series was also broadcast in Italy, and consisted of 4 episodes. Broadcasting in Italy began on December 28, 1986...
Plot: Patrik Pacard was the sixth ZDF-Weihnachtsserie, and aired in 1984. The series was broadcast in Germany on ZDF, and consisted of 6 episodes. Broadcasting in Germany began on December 25, 1984. The series was also broadcast in Switzerland, and consisted of 12 episodes. Wikipedia