Plot: Traveling the rodeo circuit for a living is as tough as the cowgirls featured in this reality series. It follows five female barrel racers as they pack up their lives and their horses to test their skills at rodeos across the country. The ladies may be made up of equal parts rhinestones and blue jeans...
Plot: While they may not have the most politically correct name, the All American Cowgirl Chicks are helping to entertain fans on the rodeo circuit. The ladies travel around America to perform their fast-paced drills, daring tricks and fancy riding for crowds at rodeos and other events, including the Tournament...
Plot: This non-fiction series provides an inside look into the world's oldest youth rodeo association, chronicling the stories of contestants, families, and rodeo personal inside and outside the arena. This non-fiction western series provides an inside look into the world's oldest youth rodeo association...
Plot: Some people say that anyone on Earth can be connected to any other person (including Kevin Bacon) through a chain of six people, a concept known as six degrees of separation. Is the world really that small? And can we impact the life of someone halfway across the world? Six very different strangers...
Plot: Ready or Not is a Canadian teen drama television series that aired on the Showtime Movie Channel and later on The Disney Channel and Global Television Network for five seasons and 65 episodes between 1993 and 1997 in both Canada and the United States. Wikipedia
Plot: Jon Dore's zany antics and quirky segments cause hilarious laughter for a post-Tom Green generation of viewers. Dore blends real-life interviews with off-the-wall missions such as finding out if he's a healthy, fertile male.
Plot: The Truth About Alex is a 1986 Canadian-American short television film based on the book Counterplay by Ann Snyder and starring Scott Baio as Brad and Peter Spence as Alex. Wikipedia
Plot: A spiffy new cast of 14 wannabe designers take on their nerves and one another in a series of challenges to determine Canada's next fashion star. Iman returns as host, joined again by mentor Brian Bailey and judges Shawn Hewson and Rita Silvan, and a lineup of celebrity guests will also appear, including...