Plot: Actor Frank Grillo's filmography includes the MMA-centric flick "Warrior" and TV series "Kingdom," so it may not be surprising to learn that he has a passion for combat sports. In this docuseries, the fight enthusiast travels around the world, immersing himself in different fight cultures to understand...
Plot: The deceased king rises and a mysterious plague begins to spread; the prince must face a new breed of enemies to unveil the evil scheme and save his people.
Plot: Thirty four years after events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai dojo, reigniting his rivalry with a now successful Daniel LaRusso.
Plot: In the fall of 1997, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls allowed a film crew to follow them as they went for their sixth NBA title in eight seasons. That resulted in a stunning portrait of one of the sport's most iconic athletes and a celebrated team. "The Last Dance" follows the Bulls' 1997-98 season...
Plot: A team of ex-special forces soldiers on the lam from the military police (even though they didn't really commit the crime for which they'd been imprisoned) leaves a trail of explosions in its wake. But Hannibal, Faceman, B.A. and Murdock always stop to help the little guy against some corrupt local...