Plot: Drengene fra Angora is a Danish television satirical comedy series. First airing in 2004, it has acquired cult status in its native Denmark. Among its more popular sketches are Team Easy On, Landmandssønnerne og far, and Spændende mennesker. The current actors are Esben Pretzmann, Rune Tolsgaard...
Plot: Late night sketch comedy talk-show featuring bizarre and surreal characters played out by the three Angora comedians: Simon Kvamm, Rune Tolsgaard and Esben Pretzmann. Broadcast three times weekly on Mon/Tue/Wed, with a "best-of-the-week" edition on Friday. Late night sketch comedy talk-show featuring...
Plot: Casper & Mandrilaftalen, also known as Mandrilaftalen or Mandrillen, is a Danish dadaist and satirical cult television sketch show that originally aired on DR2 from March 1st, 1999, to November 19th, 1999, across two seasons, comprising a total of 67 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper. The show builds its comedy around quiet everyday situations, social awkwardness, uncomfortable silences and general faux pas. Wikipedia
Plot: This American television series follows the public and private life of Tony `Matador' Bravo. On the surface Tony appears to be a popular soccer player but he is really a highly skilled covert operative hired by the CIA. His mission for joining the LA Riot, a professional football team, is to report...
Plot: Made in Denmark is a Danish lifestyle and reality television program, in which a number of professionals in arts and crafts display their skills in their own area, and experiment with the other participant's materials. It debuted in 2015 on Danmarks Radio. The program was hosted by Ane Cortzen. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ben Cartwright, along with his three sons, Joe, Adam and Hoss, faces several difficulties as they run their large ranch while also assisting the neighbouring community.