Plot: This two-part series follows puppies through the first two months in their new homes, a trying and sometimes shocking time, the fascinating science behind their development and behaviour is explained.
Plot: Training centres for first-time dog owners are springing up across the United Kingdom, and `Puppy School' ties in with this trend as it invites puppy parents to a bespoke school to deal with the challenges that come with bringing a puppy into their lives. Each episode chronicles the first six months...
Plot: Rescue puppies compete for famed and fan-voted titles; the puppies are 12 to 26 weeks old and some even have special needs, including a three-legged puppy, two that are hearing impaired, and one that is blind and hearing impaired.
Plot: The Puppy Bowl is an annual television program on Animal Planet that mimics an American football game similar to the Super Bowl, using puppies. Shown each year on Super Bowl Sunday, the show consists of footage of a batch of puppies at play inside a model stadium, with commentary on their actions....
Plot: Before the intrusion of man, alligators used to own South Florida. Times have changed, however, and now there's a daily struggle between man and beast. It's that struggle that keeps Paul Bedard and Jimmy Riffle busy. The "Gator Boys" operate an animal facility in the Everglades, with the goal to capture...
Plot: A lumbering Newfoundland bowls over spotted Bengal kittens; Norwegian forest cats test the water at the beach; two kittens spread love at a rescue home.