Plot: Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas is a seven-episode, 2007 spin-off miniseries of The Real World that reunited the cast of the 2002 season of The Real World: Las Vegas to live in the same Palms Hotel and Casino suite they lived in for the original series, five years after filming ended on The Real...
Plot: The Real World is a reality television series produced through MTV and Bunim/Murray Productions that currently airs on Facebook Watch after airing on MTV from 1992u20132017 and was originally produced by Mary-Ellis Bunim and Jonathan Murray. Wikipedia
Plot: Paris and Nicole move in with the Leding family in the small town of Altus, Arkansas. They learn how to live with a middle-class family and adapt to the new environment.
Plot: Road Rules: Campus Crawl is the eleventh season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. The cast traveled around the United States, taking part in missions at various colleges and universities. A casting special aired on June 10, 2002, and the season premiered one week later on June 17, 2002...
Plot: Road Rules: Northern Trail is the fifth season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. It took place along the northern border of the United States, often landing the cast in parts of Canada. Wikipedia
Plot: Road Rules: USA â The First Adventure is the inaugural season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. The show featured five young people traveling the country, completing various tasks to get their next clue to their next mission. Wikipedia
Plot: Road Rules: X-Treme is the thirteenth season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules, which takes a group of young people and places them on a series of quests and challenges to compete for prizes. X-Treme took place in South America, in Argentina and Chile. Wikipedia
Plot: Road Rules: South Pacific is the twelfth season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. Taking place in the South Pacific, it was filmed during February and March 2003. A casting special aired on May 19, 2003, and the season premiered one week later on May 26, 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge is the fourteenth and final season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. The season premiered on January 30, 2007 at 9:00 pm EST/PST and ran through May 9, 2007. The cast is made up of six former Road Rulers and ten "Pit Crew" members. Wikipedia
Plot: The Real World: Stockholm was the first reality television show to be broadcast on Swedish television. Based on the successful American TV show The Real World, the show premiered on 1 October 1995 on TV1000. Wikipedia
Plot: Road Rules: Down Under is the sixth season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. It took place exclusively in Hawaii for part of the first episode, with the rest of the season exclusively in Oceania. This season is often noted as Road Rules: Australia. Wikipedia
Plot: Road Rules: Latin America is the seventh season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. It took place in Latin America in the countries of Mexico, Belize and Costa Rica, as well as the United States of America. Wikipedia
Plot: Road Rules: Europe is the third season of the MTV reality television series Road Rules. It took place exclusively on the continent of Europe, the first time the series ever ventured outside the United States. Wikipedia