Plot: Reksio is a Polish cartoon character from the TV animated series by the same title. Reksio was created by a Polish director named LechosÅaw MarszaÅek. It's 65 episodes were made from 1967 to 1990 in an Animated Films Studio in Bielsko-BiaÅa that also made the more famous...
Plot: Led by 543-year-old Papa Smurf, life is seemingly perfect for the three-apple-tall blue pals living in Smurf Village, except for all the times they must battle the evil wizard Gargamel and his nasty cat Azrael.
Plot: Wanting to discover the beauty of the world around her, a young bee named Maya leaves her hive to go exploring. On her adventures, she looks around the meadow where she lives and meets other insects that live there. As many young creatures do, Maya spends a lot of time playing and having fun with her...
Plot: Well, Just You Wait! is a Soviet, later Russian, animated series produced by Soyuzmultfilm. The series debuted in 1969 and became popular in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries. In the 2014 all-Russian poll Well, Just You Wait! won by a wide margin as people's favourite cartoon/animated series...
Plot: Unser Sandmännchen, Das Sandmännchen, AbendgruÃ, Sandmann, Sandmännchen is a German children's bedtime television programme using stop motion animation. The puppet was based on the Ole Lukøje character by Hans Christian Andersen. Two versions of Sandmännchen were created: one...
Plot: Pohádky z mechu a kapradà is a Czechoslovakian animated children's television series produced from 1968 to 1979. The series focuses on the adventures of two forest people named KÅemÃlek and Vochomůrka, often dealing with certain problems. It was made by BratÅi v triku....
Plot: MiÅ Uszatek is a Polish character from the stop motion-animated TV series of the same name. He was created jointly by Polish writer CzesÅaw Janczarski and cartoonist Zbigniew Rychlicki. MiÅ Uszatek's first appearance was in a Polish comic magazine for children, "MiÅ...
Plot: Jacek i Agatka is a Polish television program created by writer Wanda Chotomska for Telewizja Polska's children's television block Dobranocka. It was the first Polish television show intended for bedtime. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on the novel by Stanislaw Pagaczewski polish animated series about rescue mission led by Smok Wawelski (dragon from polish legends) to save professor Gabka.
Plot: Zaczarowany oÅówek is a Polish cartoon from 1964-1976 made by Se-ma-for. The series had no dialogue. It tells a story of a boy named Piotr and his dog, aided by an enchanted pencil, which can materialize anything they draw. There were 39 episodes total. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on polish comic strip by Kornel Makuszynski (story) and Marian Walentynowicz (illustrations) adventure of an eccentric goat Matolek in pursuit of happines on his road to Pacanow around the world. MOTTO - Do not search far because it is near what you looking for.