Plot: `The Hidden River' is a three-part documentary series exploring the Essequibo River in Guyana. Over 1,000km long and with a delta measuring as far as 60km wide, the Essequibo is one of the largest rivers in the South American region. A team of explorers travel the length of the river to discover its...
Plot: Host, biologist and extreme angler Jeremy Wade explores freshwater mysteries and local folklore, to debunk these myths and track down these harrowing tales.
Plot: An exploration of three of the world's most iconic rivers, the Nile, the Mississippi and the Amazon, with a look at the wildlife, astonishing landscapes, and remarkable people who live along their banks.
Plot: A documentary series exploring the beauty and history of iconic rivers throughout England. Famous faces including Shobna Gulati, JB Gill, Miranda Krestovnikoff and Stuart Maconie set out on river walks, looking at the River Tees, the Nidd, the River Severn, the Exe, the River Deben, the River Lea,...
Plot: Steve Backshall, British adventurer and naturalist, embarks on a journey to explore the Baliem River. Located in the island of New Guinea, which is north of Australia, Steve's goal is to find out more about the hidden secrets that lay along one of the world's wildest rivers. However, travelling along...