Plot: Popular Animal Planet personality Jeremy Wade, the nine-season star of the network's top-rated series `River Monsters', returns to waterways across the globe to investigate reports of the unimaginable and unexplained. He takes viewers on journeys beneath the water to remote areas, to islands lost in...
Plot: Host, biologist and extreme angler Jeremy Wade explores freshwater mysteries and local folklore, to debunk these myths and track down these harrowing tales.
Plot: Before Jeremy returns to the Amazon River in "Mighty Rivers," relive some of his most thrilling Amazon adventures, as he tangles with giant Arapaima and the mystery of the Water Mama.
Plot: Popular Animal Planet personality Jeremy Wade, the nine-season star of the network's top-rated series `River Monsters', returns to waterways across the globe to investigate reports of the unimaginable and unexplained. He takes viewers on journeys beneath the water to remote areas, to islands lost in...