Plot: Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong will. That doesn't bode well for 13-year-old Milo Murphy, a descendant of the man for whom the law was named, and who feels like he's living it. Milo is always expecting the unexpected. He's prepared for anything that comes his way, though, as he...
Plot: When monsters begin to descend upon their city, Ryan Walker and his friends decide to use a giant robot that he has mysteriously awakened to fight the creatures and protect their loved ones.
Plot: "Big Hero 6 The Series" takes place after the events of the film "Big Hero 6" and continues the adventures of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada. He is joined by the compassionate robot Baymax which is created by Hiro's brother, Tadashi. Hiro and Baymax are also joined by their friends, including...
Plot: This Netflix original chronicles the life of one of the darker Marvel characters, the mysterious Jessica Jones. When a tragedy puts an end to her short-lived career as a superhero, Jessica settles in New York City and opens her own detective agency, called Alias Investigations, which seems to be called...
Plot: Inspired by creator and executive producer Matt Braly's heritage, family and childhood trips to Bangkok, Thailand, Disney's animated series chronicles the adventures of independent and fearless teen Anne Boonchuy after she is magically transported to a rural marshland full of frog people. There, Anne...
Plot: This spinoff series of Disney XD favourites `Lab Rats' and `Mighty Med' brings together characters from the two sci-fi shows to battle common enemies. After the Mighty Med hospital has been destroyed by supervillains, Adam and Leo volunteer to oversee the students at Davenport's Bionic Academy. That...
Plot: A couple lives happily with their children. When they realise that their children possess mutant abilities, they are forced to run and join a community that will help them.
Plot: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and other superheroes join forces to battle crime and otherworldly threats, keeping a watchful eye on Earth from their orbiting space station.
Plot: Ultimate Spider-Man is a superhero comic book series that was published by Marvel Comics from 2000 to 2011. The series is a modernized re-imagining of Marvel's long-running Spider-Man comic book franchise as part of the company's Ultimate Marvel imprint. Wikipedia
Plot: Kim Possible looks like an average high-school cheerleader, but in her spare time, she saves the world from supervillains. Her buddy, Ron Stoppable, his pet Rufus, and a resourceful webmaster named Wade collabotrate on secret missions and can do anything. When she's not defeating the bad guys, Kim still...
Plot: Falcon joins the Avengers, a superhero team comprising Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow, and fights evil foes who cannot be defeated single-handedly.
Plot: "Big Hero 6 The Series" takes place after the events of the film "Big Hero 6" and continues the adventures of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada. He is joined by the compassionate robot Baymax which is created by Hiro's brother, Tadashi. Hiro and Baymax are also joined by their friends, including...
Plot: After exacting revenge on the people responsible for the deaths of his wife and children, Frank Castle uncovers a conspiracy that runs deeper than New York's criminal underworld. Now known as the Punisher, he must dig deep into the conspiracy to discover the truth about injustices that affect more than...
Plot: Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, are always in the midst of something adventurous, be it in the depth of the sea, outer space or the heart of the jungle.
Plot: Comic-book superheroes -- including Hulk, Iron Man and Thor -- join forces to become the Avengers as they fight villains who have escaped from the Vault, the Cube, the Big House and the Raft. Among the villains the Avengers battle are Red Skull, Grim Reaper, Wonder Man and Cobra.
Plot: X-Men is an American superhero film series based on the fictional superhero team of the same name, who originally appeared in a series of comic books created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and published by Marvel Comics. Wikipedia
Plot: Life changes for Peggy Carter after her boyfriend Steve Rogers is feared dead. Now she leads a dual life by doing administrative work as well as working as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent under Howard Stark.
Plot: This animated series conveys the dark mood of the original "Batman" comic books. Unlike the light action "Batman" show of the 1960s, Gotham City's Caped Crusader, Bruce Wayne, is sometimes moody. And Robin's alter ego, Dick Grayson, has a more-mature personality than in the original series.
Plot: This gritty take on the "Teen Titans" franchise follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find where they belong. Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, a special girl possessed by a strange darkness, get involved in a conspiracy that could bring Hell on Earth. Hot-headed Starfire...
Plot: Helmed by filmmakers, documentaries explore Marvel's rich legacy of characters, creators and stories, showcasing the intersections of storytelling, pop culture and fandom within the Marvel Universe.
Plot: When Danny Rand was 10-years old, he survived a mysterious plane crash that claimed the lives of his extremely wealthy parents. Rescued by warrior monks, Danny grew up in the of city of K'un-Lun, where he endured harsh conditions, but also trained to be a fierce warrior. Years later, Danny returns home...
Plot: While pursuing the criminal responsible for her best friend's death, Ghost-Spider is mistakenly accused of the crime by both SHIELD and the NYPD; Ghost-Spider must find a way to clear her name while battling against Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl.
Plot: The Runaways is an American drama television series. The series stars Michael Biehn, Alan Feinstein, Patti Cohoon-Friedman, James Callahan, Karen Machon and Robert Reed. The series aired from April 27, 1978, to September 4, 1979, on NBC. Wikipedia
Plot: After mastering the skill of archery on a deserted island, multi-millionaire playboy Oliver Queen returns to his city to take on the vigilante persona of Arrow to fight crime and corruption.
Plot: After the death of his grandfather, Mike discovers that he belongs to a family of vigilante ninjas. Along with his two friends, Mike enters the world of watchdogs and forms a team called Supah Ninjas.
Plot: Spider-Man joins hands with other superheroes to thwart villains from executing their evil plans. In the process, he learns about the importance of teamwork, cooperation and friendship.
Plot: Jefferson Pierce, a vigilante with the power to harness electricity, is forced to come out of retirement and fight the increasing crime in his neighbourhood.
Plot: Randy Cunningham is a ninth-grader who is an unlikely hero with a superhuman ninja suit, the NinjaNomicon. Randy uses the suit and help from his best friend, Howard, to battle evil while trying to survive high school and guard his secret identity -- all while trying to protect his school and the world...
Plot: This follow-up to the popular "Teen Titans" series takes a more comedic look at the superheroes, showing what life is like for the teens when their capes come off. Funny things happen to Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg between saving the world and being regular teens, living together without...
Plot: After the collapse of an oil rig, two runaway teenagers acquire superpowers and get into trouble with a drug cartel. Things get even more complicated when they start falling for each other.
Plot: Kara Danvers who is Superman's biological cousin is forced to unveil her hidden powers and protect the inhabitants when an unexpected disaster strikes National City.
Plot: Four of Marvel's biggest heroes are each working individually but have one common goal in mind -- to save New York City. Burdened with their own personal challenges, Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Danny Rand (Iron Fist) realize that they likely won't be able to accomplish their...
Plot: The Inhumans are a fictional group of superheroes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The comic book series has usually focused more specifically on the adventures of the Inhuman Royal Family, and many people associate the name "Inhumans" with this particular team of super...
Plot: Two feature films have been produced based on the Tron character, 1982's "Tron" and the 2010 sequel, "Tron: Legacy." "Tron: Uprising" takes place during the time period between the story lines of the two movies. In the series, young program Beck becomes the leader of a revolution inside the computer...
Plot: This gritty, action-packed drama follows the evolution of Luke Cage (Mike Colter), a man with super strength and unbreakable skin caused by a sabotaged experiment. After a failed relationship with fellow superhero Jessica Jones, Cage tries to rebuild a quiet life in Harlem, New York --until he is pulled...
Plot: This entry in Cartoon Network's popular `Ben 10' franchise features the superhero exploring the quirky side of the alien underworld in a secret alien city. Although Ben's ready to work alone, Grandpa Max teams him with a new, by-the-book partner. Along the way, Ben discovers enemies from his past looking...
Plot: This animated series based on the blockbuster film of the same name follows the newly formed team that has found a strange artifact linked to the DNA of Peter Quill. When he opens it, Quill unleashes a map that leads to the location of the Cosmic Seed, a powerful weapon that has the ability to give...
Plot: A galaxy far, far away brings loyal viewers "Star Wars: Forces of Destiny" off of Disney's YouTube channel. The main focus will be on some of "Star Wars"' most inspiring and beloved of characters. Join Princess Leia, Rey, Ahsoka Tano, Jyn Erso, and other strong female characters. The series explores...
Plot: At Super Hero High, iconic super heroes like Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Bumblebee, Poison Ivy, and Katana navigate all the twists and turns of high school. At Super Hero High, iconic Super Heroes like Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Bumblebee, Poison Ivy, and Katana...
Plot: 16-year-old Max discovers that he possesses supernatural abilities. With his alien friend Steel he learns to take advantage of those capabilities and together he and Steel combine to become the world's greatest superhero. They join forces to fight the bullies and super-villains threatening their world...