Plot: High-powered attorney Theodore Hoffman defends Neil Avedon, an arrogant young actor with a track record of drug-and-alcohol problems, in a murder trial so complex that it spanned the entire first season. The trial also involves Richard Cross, the wealthy businessman who owned the building where the...
Plot: High Incident is a police drama television series produced by DreamWorks Television for the ABC network. The show was created by Steven Spielberg, Michael Pavone, Eric Bogosian, and Dave Alan Johnson. It first aired on March 4, 1996, running a total of 32 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: A Court of Thorns and Roses is a new adult high fantasy novel series by American author Sarah J. Maas, beginning with the novel of the same name, released in May 2015. The story follows the journey of mortal Feyre Archeron after she is brought into the faerie lands of Prythian for murdering a faerie...
Plot: The American Broadcasting Company coined the term after school special in 1972 with a series of television films, usually dealing with controversial or socially relevant issues, that were generally broadcast in the late afternoon and meant to be viewed by school-age children, particularly teenagers...
Plot: Former NYPD detective and forensic genius Lincoln Rhyme was at the top of his game until a serious accident at the hands of a notorious serial killer forced him out of the field. When Amelia Sachs, an intuitive young officer who has a gift for pro?ling, finds herself hot on the killer's trail, Rhyme...
Plot: In a small Southern town during the 1950s, black housekeeper and single mother Lilly Harper (Regina Taylor) brings a new perspective on race relations to her employer, district attorney Forrest Bedford (Sam Waterston), and his three children: moody teenager Nathan, bookish Francie and little John Morgan...
Plot: Hallmark Hall of Fame, originally called Hallmark Television Playhouse, is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City-based greeting card company. The longest-running prime-time series in the history of television, it first aired in 1951 and continues into...
Plot: In February 1993 a truck bomb exploded in the car park of the South Tower of the World Trade Center. The FBI, CIA and other US enforcement agencies began a hunt for the perpetrators and concluded in the identification of Osama Bin Laden as the main figure behind this and other attacks. A plan was drafted...
Plot: JFK: Reckless Youth is a 1993 TV drama miniseries portraying the early life of American president John F. Kennedy. It was adapted from the 1992 biography of the same name by Nigel Hamilton. Wikipedia
Plot: This Steven Bochco-produced series pulls few punches in portraying the day-to-day lives of cops in New York's 15th Precinct. Characters' personal lives intertwine with the cases they work, which often deal with the worst elements the city has to offer. Many characters came and went during the show's...
Plot: Set in Chicago, this medical drama deals with the personal and professional crises of the doctors in the emergency room at County General Hospital. From the exciting to the mundane, a day in the frantic hospital serves up many interesting dilemmas as well as heartrending choices for everyone on staff...
Plot: Mrs. Teale is struggling to stay alive while raising her two children alone. She meets an honest, hardworking cowboy and lives are intertwined as they fight the elements of loneliness and outlaws.
Plot: A gritty, realistic look at the life of cops in a large (and unnamed) metropolitan city. Led by Capt. Frank Furillo, the cops of the Hill Street Station kept the peace - though there were plenty of casualties along the way. Focusing more on those within the precinct than on the cases they were trying...
Plot: John Paul Vann (Bill Paxton) is sent to Vietnam in 1962 as a military adviser and quickly learns that several South Vietnamese battalions are forging low casualty numbers and successful battle records. Vann, along with journalist Steven Burnett (Donal Logue), tries to take the matter public and in...
Plot: The #1 New York Times bestselling âqueen of paranormal romanceâ (USA Today) is back with a sexy series starring a Chicago crime family that hides a dark, mystical secret... Â Whether itâs fast cars or fast women, Stefano Ferraro gets what he wants...