Plot: Evans, Novak, Hunt & Shields is an interview/political discussion show on CNN for approximately 20 years hosted by Rowland Evans and Robert Novak. The weekly program featured four rotating panelists, including Evans, Novak, Al Hunt and Mark Shields. Originally, the program was called Evans and Novak...
Plot: Capital Gang is an American weekly political talk show on CNN. It aired on Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. ET. The show debuted in the fall of 1988 and ran until CNN cancelled it in 2005. The original panel was Pat Buchanan, Robert Novak, Al Hunt, and Mark Shields. Wikipedia
Plot: Sports Tonight is an American sports news television program that aired on CNN from 1980 to 2001, and on CNN/SI from December 12, 1996 to the station's demise on May 15, 2002. It normally aired at 11 p.m. ET/10 p.m. CT.. Wikipedia
Plot: The former ABC sitcom star ("The Hughleys") offers his distinctive take on current events and welcomes public figures in a talk-show format before a live studio audience.
Plot: Anchor Soledad O'Brien brings viewers an investigative series that features CNN's top correspondents reporting on compelling and current issues. CNN's worldwide journalists Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Campbell Brown, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Abbie Boudreau, Drew Griffin and others delve into investigative...
Plot: Style with Elsa Klensch is a program that was produced from 1980 to 2001 on CNN. The program dealt with fashion and design from around the world and was hosted by Australian-born Elsa Klensch. Author, writer and astrologer Georgia Routsis Savas worked for the show before becoming the New York newsroom...
Plot: As the country starts to consider a return to normality, Matt Allwright and Kym Marsh present a live one-stop shop for the nation's burning consumer questions.
Plot: Journalist John King offers insight into and analysis of the day's most newsworthy events. Included are interviews with newsmakers and policymakers.
Plot: Your Bottom Line is a CNN news program focusing on financial news hosted by Christine Romans. The program was hosted by Gerri Willis before her departure from CNN in February 2010. She later moved to Fox Business in March 2010 The show airs Saturdays at 9:30am on CNN. Wikipedia
Plot: Another Day is an American sitcom television series starring David Groh and Joan Hackett that aired for four episodes on CBS from April 8 to April 29, 1978. Wikipedia
Plot: CNN Daybreak is an American early morning newscast aired on CNN, anchored from New York by Carol Costello. It debuted on June 1, 1980, the same day CNN went live. Wikipedia
Plot: Ashleigh Banfield joined CNN in January 2012 to co-anchor the morning show "Early Start." Later that year she moved her anchor chair to a late-morning weekday airing of "CNN Newsroom." Now, following another change -- the rebranding of "CNN Newsroom" -- by the perpetually evolving network, the bespectacled...
Plot: The presenters give an update on the latest political, social, economic, sports, entertainment and weather news from the US and around the world.
Plot: The noted economist and journalist reviews a diverse slate of controversial issues with his correspondents and interviews politicians, media personalities and economists.
Plot: Wolf Isaac Blitzer is an American journalist, television news anchor and author who has been a CNN reporter since 1990. He is the host of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer and also serves as the network's lead political anchor. Wikipedia
Plot: Alma Dale Campbell Brown is the head of global news partnerships at Facebook and a former American television news reporter and anchorwoman. She served as co-anchor of the NBC news program Weekend Today from 2003 to 2007, and hosted the series Campbell Brown on CNN from 2008 to 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: CNN's flagship morning program, anchored by Kiran Chetry, presents the latest breaking news and developments each weekday. Also reporting are a team of correspondents including Jim Acosta, Jason Carroll, Alina Cho, Carol Costello and Christine Romans.