Plot: Acclaimed restaurateur Al Brown is on a culinary journey across Australia, armed only with his trusty burner and an Australian appetite. From chefs to street food, Al shares culinary tips with his own authentic food philosophy: simple and full of flavour. Each episode features a final cook-up, combining...
Plot: Personal chef Neill Anthony is followed as he prepares meals for his clients. The focus is on quick, healthy and affordable meals. Neill also shares his secret contacts for sourcing ingredients as he prepares his Michelin star-quality meals.
Plot: Host Sarah Graham takes a culinary trip across the length and breadth of Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa and prepares delectable recipes in the outdoors with locally found ingredients.
Plot: My France with Manu is an Australian television series screened on the Seven Network. The series follows French born chef and My Kitchen Rules judge Manu Feildel returning to his homeland, visiting friends and family, as well as cooking throughout the country. Wikipedia
Plot: Simon Lamont shares his secrets to cut every corner, offer tips, tricks and short cuts that will allow you to make complicated food in a simple way.
Plot: Chef Jack Stein travels the word in his own `Cooking Box' to visit 10 cities, sharing the history and flavours of classic English dishes such as fish and chips and Yorkshire pudding.
Plot: Oliver Peyton is a restaurateur and an avid art collector so it's natural for him to combine his loves of food and art in this series that explores artists' relationships with food and drink, uncovering the history and stories behind food in paintings. Peyton explores the symbolism and significance...
Plot: Rick Stein first visited California and Mexico in 1968 when he took a journey down the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco, through Big Sur, and into Mexico. Rick returns nearly fifty years later to retrace his steps, see how things have changed, how food has evolved, and to further...
Plot: Chef Rick Stein embarks on a spectacular journey across the Indian subcontinent to explore the variety of cuisines it has to offer. He also searches for the best curry and the ingredients it needs.
Plot: In this culinary series, English chef and restaurateur Rick Stein travels across the Channel to France to go on a journey to find the country's best food, ranging from seafood to French regional cuisine. The veteran foodie educates viewers along the way by explaining the recipes he encounters.
Plot: English chef Rick Stein goes on another culinary adventure in a series of long weekends abroad. Stein travels to some of his favourite destinations to discover what each region has to offer a food connoisseur. Throughout the year, Stein visits Bordeaux, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin and Reykjavik, exploring...
Plot: The British chef and his father, Rick, work their way through Western Australia's south-west, meeting those at the helm of the food revolution. He meets with orchard owners and farmers, and the occasional dog.