Plot: British actor Richard E. Grant presents a natural history series focusing on the seven deadly sins and their presence in human and animal behaviour. The history of the capital vices is explored through their use in the literature of noted writers such as Dante Alighieri and William Shakespeare. As...
Plot: Elis James explores the history of Welsh comedy and meets some of the biggest stand-up comedians, writers and performers the nation has produced.
Plot: Richard E Grant examines the controversial history of the safari. Exploring the world of the big game hunters and the luxury of today's safaris, he goes on a personal journey to experience how the beauty of the bush made Africa the white man's playground.
Plot: Richard Pitt is a therapist whose life has taken a distinctly complicated turn. After his practice collapses, and Richard finds himself no longer able to give traditional therapy sessions in person, he decides instead to offer quick-fire sessions over online video chat. Trying to counsel and support...