Plot: Chef Reza Mahammad, one of the U.K.'s top Indian restaurateurs, goes on an unforgettable journey around India's regal residences to discover the history of royal food. Among Mahammad's stop on his Indian journey are Rajsamand, which is surrounded by the world's oldest mountain range; the lush and fertile...
Plot: Chef Reza Mahammad explores Kerala and discovers finest seafood, pungent spices and the sweetest coconuts - all mainstay ingredients of the many tempting dishes cooked in this series.
Plot: Jenny and Reza will be teaching six novice chefs how to create a mouthwatering meal. Their intention is to pass on their combined experience and techniques, while demonstrating that anybody can produce delicious food.
Plot: Chinese food is popular in America, and this series brings viewers information about a certain type of the ethnic food, Chaoshan cuisine. Each episode focuses on an ingredient that is often used in Chaoshan cooking, exploring where the ingredients come from and what they are used for, as well as bri...