Plot: Revizorro is a Russian television show in a documentary format distributed by the Friday! network. The first episode aired in June 2014, coinciding with the birthday of the TV network. Initially hosted by a Russian TV presenter Elena Letuchaya, before being substituted by the singer Olga Romanovskaya...
Plot: Revizor is a Ukrainian social reality TV show about the quality of service sector establishments in Ukraine. It airs on Novyi Kanal, debuting on August 27, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Good Morning is a Russian morning television program and talk show that is broadcast on Channel One. It debuted in 1986, and has aired ever since. The program features news, interviews, and weather forecasts. Wikipedia
Plot: Mukhtar. The New Trace is a Russian detective, crime, serial film, a film about the adventures of investigators, police officers, police and search dog. Production Company "Kit Media" on request of "Studio 2V". Series premiere was held on 12 January 2004 from the RTR, and August 31, 2004, the project...