Plot: Everybody's Equal is a game show that originally aired on ITV from 7 June 1989 to 22 July 1991 and hosted by Chris Tarrant. It was later revived under the name Whittle and aired on Channel 5 from 31 March to 30 December 1997 with Tim Vine as host. Versions also existed in many European countries, plus...
Plot: Belgium's Got Talent is a Belgian TV show produced by FremantleMedia and broadcast by RTL-TVI since September 10, 2012. It is hosted by Julie Taton and Jean-Michel Zecca. It is a local adaptation of the British talent show Britain's Got Talent, created by Simon Cowell. Wikipedia
Plot: Celebrity contestants perform different songs under the mentorship and scrutiny of judges Simon Cowell, Nicole Scherzinger and Louis Walsh to win a competition.
Plot: Première Compagnie is French television reality presented by Laurence Boccolini and Bruno Roblès and broadcast on TF1 from 5 February 2005 to 25 March 2005. The show was produced by Endemol. Wikipedia
Plot: A behind-the-scenes look at a Disney's Bambi that was originally made to commemorate its 55th anniversary. It includes interviews, stills, and footage from the production and focuses on the animation process.