Plot: A down on her luck former inmate tries to reconnect with her daughter, to the objections of her sister who raised the girl, meets a millionaire, and transforms into a strong woman, returning to society on Dancin' Days nightclub's opening. Júlia Matos, depois de onze anos de prisão, tenta conquistar...
Plot: Seongjoon is training with his mentor Jinsu in order to win a Taebaekwon contest. The night before the final round of the competition, Seoungjoon returns to find Jinsu who has suddenly disappeared. Seoungjoon meets Bomi by chance there and they unexpectedly get married. He opens a finger-pressure treatment...
Plot: Rosa Fogo is a Portuguese soap opera that aired on SIC from September 2011 to June 2012. Below is a list of cast members, main actors of the production. Wikipedia
Plot: Rebelde Way is a MartÃn Fierro Award-nominated Argentine telenovela created and produced by Cris Morena. It was originally broadcast from 27 May 2002 to 10 November 2003. The soap opera was broadcast in many countries, including Paraguay, Peru, Germany, Israel, Spain, Uruguay and Greece, achieving...
Plot: This is the story of the fall and rise of Santiago Medina. Santiago had everything: charisma, prestige, a brilliant career ahead of him and a great love - But his happiness turns out to arouse the envy of those around him and he's betrayed. This betrayal will transform his life in a living hell. This...