Plot: Schlupp vom grünen Stern is a German television series. Originally a 1974 children's book by Ellis Kaut, the story was adapted as a marionette play filmed in four half-hour episodes by Augsburger Puppenkiste in 1986. In 1987 four further episodes titled Schlupp vom grünen Stern â...
Plot: Lilalu im Schepperland is a German television series from the Augsburger Puppenkiste. It is loosely based on Enid Blyton's Book of Brownies. Wikipedia
Plot: Drei Dschungeldetektive Three Jungle Detectives is a six-part German television series. Produced by the Augsburger Puppenkiste, which was created in 1991 under the direction of Sepp Strubel in cooperation with the Hessischer Rundfunk and was first broadcast in 1992/1993. Wikipedia
Plot: Kater Mikesch is a children's book by the Czech author Josef Lada from the 1930s. It was retelled by German author Otfried PreuÃler, who was awarded therefore with the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis in 1963. Wikipedia
Plot: On the lonely island Titiwu strange things are happening. A absent-minded, funny professor named Habakuk Tibatong has founded a school for teaching animals to talk. For example the pig-lady Wutz, the penguin Ping and the monitor Wawa. Unfortunately each has a speeach defect. Some day an iceberg reaches...
Plot: Die Muminfamilie was a West German television series released from 1959 to 1960 that was based on the Moomin books by Tove Jansson. It was filmed in black and white and broadcast by ARD. It was notably the first television series ever to be made based on the books. Wikipedia
Plot: Mare is a Japanese television drama series, the 92nd Asadora that was broadcast daily on NHK from March 30, 2015, until September 26, 2015, same as 2009's Asadora series Tsubasa. It is about a young woman from the Noto Peninsula who wants to become a patissier. Wikipedia