Plot: This Norwegian drama follows three ambitious women in their twenties as they look to explore new opportunities in their careers and social lives. Elise, Nenne and Alex, a comedian, a writer and an actor respectively, reside in the nation's wealthy capital city of Oslo, and although they are motivated...
Plot: Alt for Norge is a Norwegian reality television series which debuted in 2010 and appears on TVNorge and hosted by Fridtjof Nilsen. The reality show features Norwegian Americans participating in challenges relating to Norwegian history and culture, competing to win a reunion with their distant Norwegian...
Plot: The year is 1969 and the Norwegian city of Stavanger is in crisis. Then, the biggest underwater oil discovery ever is made. The oil discovery fuels a rapid social development that has major consequences for four young people.
Plot: Andreas Wahl examines and debunks popular alternative, undocumented and supernatural claims with logical methodology and a scientific perspective.
Plot: Jonas Schulman lives a quiet life with his wife and daughter in the small village of Slusvik. One day, his neighbor and best friend Geir blackmails him, and things come to light about his past.
Plot: Njål Engesæth delves through NRK's extensive television archives in search of finding out if the national television broadcaster has produced value for its audience, often with a humorous outcome.