Plot: Over two episodes, biologist Patrick Aryee goes on a journey to discover the amazing world of cat species that has spanned over 11 million years. While exploring the evolution of these mammals over the years Aryee also examines how these feline creatures have survived harsh environments, becoming king...
Plot: Joanna Lumley travels the world in search of how cats have come to cohabit with humans since ancient times, what has changed (or not), and what bonds domestic cats to their large, wild cousins.
Plot: A haunting call echoes across the Liuwa Plain. Isolated by a scourge of illegal trophy hunting that wiped out the rest of her species in the region, Lady Liuwa is the only known resident lion surviving on Zambia's Liuwa Plain.
Plot: This series documents motherhood in the animal kingdom, exploring the mum and baby relationship from birth. From the moment animal offspring are brought into the world, the mothers are seen nurturing, feeding, protecting, teaching and sometimes even disciplining their young ones to ensure their survival...
Plot: Self-confessed feline fanatic Jo Brand meets the vets, RSPCA inspectors and volunteers who work tirelessly to save the nation's cats from harm. An exploration of what makes cuddly kittens one of the most impressive creatures on the planet.