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Description: The impact of a refugee disaster on a small, rural community. Genre: Drama Year Released: 2015 Number of episodes: 8 First episode air date: May 7, 2015 Network: LaSexta Program Creators: Adolfo Valor, Cristóbal Garrido, Gema R. Neira, Ramón Campos
Plot: The Hastings family owns the only funeral home in the mysterious town of La Rochelle, Ga., which is known for its haunted houses, odd residents and unusual phenomena. La Rochelle is also considered a "landing patch" for some of the world's darkest manifestations of fear that are guided into the world...
Plot: Following two strangers who intervene in a deadly carjacking only to be swept up in a roller coaster chase across Australia in a car full of money. The strangers must rely solely on each other while they are on the run.
Plot: Devastated by her teenage son's death, Dr. Carolyn Tyler embarks on a deeply personal, emotional journey to investigate the afterlife. Despite her skeptical, hard-science outlook, the caustic Tyler is pers귭 by billionaire Ivan Turing, a cancer-stricken tech inventor, to study reincarnation, near-...
Plot: When the sun starts to kill everything in its path, a plane full of passengers must travel at night in an attempt to escape its destructive power and find some place safe.
Plot: A sign of the apocalypse has begun. Reports of a rapidly changing world for unknown reasons underscore this gritty drama, a prequel to AMC's uber-popular "Walking Dead." The story is told through the lens of high school guidance counsellor Madison Clark. The widowed mother is raising two children single...
Plot: Bank robber Seth Gecko and his violent brother, Richie, are on the run -- a robbery gone bad left several people dead -- and the FBI and Texas Rangers are in pursuit. As they head for Mexico, the brothers meet the Fuller family heading the same way. They take the family hostage and continue the trip...
Plot: When three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power, they set out on an epic journey to ignite the fires of rebellion and try to save their world.
Plot: A police officer in a small country town finds his life turned upside down when six recently deceased residents return from the dead in perfect health.
Plot: Wiley Day (played by Disney darling Jennette McCurdy, star of "iCarly" and "Sam & Cat") has plans. The pregnant teen, daughter of a pastor in the town of Pretty Lake, intends to give up her baby and leave her small-town life behind forever. But when a mysterious virus starts claiming the lives of all...
Plot: Award-winning actor Ron Perlman stars as in this drama the law-bending Judge Pernell Harris, a hard-living married man with a high-end call girl on the side. After his only son attempts suicide, Harris has a mental breakdown and becomes convinced that he can hear the voice of God. Spurred on by a questionable...
Plot: When civilization reaches its apocalyptic end, the Copeland family survives the end of the world as they know it, but what will the new world be like? Turns out it's scary, with supernatural creatures, massive storms and a plague among the things that the Copelands must deal with while facing the rapid...
Plot: Dorothy Gale finds herself in the mysterious Land of Oz after being caught up in a spiraling tornado. From there onwards, she makes her way to the Emerald City to meet a powerful wizard.
Plot: In the high-stakes medical drama "Remedy," Global Television goes beyond the OR and ER with "upstairs/downstairs" points of view behind the scenes of Toronto's Bethune General Hospital. Starring Dillon Casey as Griffin Conner, "Remedy" follows the three Conner siblings, as they navigate their roles...
Plot: When masked vigilantes are treated as criminals by government agencies, some band together to start a mutiny while others aim to stop it before it yields chaos.
Plot: A gifted detective that takes a job in a small town so he can spend more time with his family is soon drawn into a network of disturbing murder cases.
Plot: This program shows evidence of a supposed situation when no one dies in the world. People keep aging, they get hurt, sick, but they never die, threatening to change what it means to be human, forever.
Plot: A sign of the apocalypse has begun. Reports of a rapidly changing world for unknown reasons underscore this gritty drama, a prequel to AMC's uber-popular "Walking Dead." The story is told through the lens of high school guidance counsellor Madison Clark. The widowed mother is raising two children single...
Plot: As an anniversary gift,for his live-in girlfriend Joan,who he met when they entered third grade, Ethan throws a surprise party inviting their entire third-grade class.
Plot: His Dark Materials is a trilogy of fantasy novels by Philip Pullman consisting of Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. It follows the coming of age of two children, Lyra Belacqua and Will Parry, as they wander through a series of parallel universes. Wikipedia
Plot: Set at the end of the 24th century, 18 years after the events of `Star Trek: Nemesis', with Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role, `Star Trek: Picard' revolves around retired admiral Jean-Luc Picard; he is still deeply affected by the loss of Lieutenant Commander Data, portrayed by Brent Spiner...
Plot: A trio of bounty hunters, known as Killjoys, chases deadly warrants through the Quad, a distant area that is near the start of a violent class war among multiple planets. Gorgeous but deadly Dutch is a top-level Killjoy who has a unique gift for earning people's trust, regardless of their class. The...
Plot: Created and co-executive produced by Robert Kirkman ("The Walking Dead"), the drama series "Outcast" stars Patrick Fugit ("Gone Girl") as Kyle Barnes, a man who has been possessed by demons since he was young. His search for answers -- and redemption -- leads him into a relationship with Reverend Anderson...
Plot: In the not-too-distant future, Los Angeles has been invaded and occupied by outside forces, causing a rift between the city's residents; some have collaborated with the occupation, while others are rebelling and suffering the consequences that come with that choice. Former FBI agent Will Bowman and...
Plot: Sarah Bennett's parents were murdered by a killer known as "The Executioner" 30 years ago. Now, she returns to the quiet community of Waterbury, where the killings occurred, to start over with her husband Dylan, but upon arriving they discover that things haven't changed much. Sarah quickly finds herself...
Plot: Howard Silk, a low-level bureaucrat in an agency, is not in a good place in life. He discovers that the agency that employs him is a gateway to a new dimension.
Plot: When refugees from a war-torn country start seeking asylum in a small American fishing town, it becomes clear that something strange is going on. The residents soon learn that the country they are fleeing from is America, and the war they are escaping hasn't happened yet. While the government sets to...
Plot: A nuclear conflict has decimated civilisation. A century later, a spaceship accommodating humanity's lone survivors dispatch 100 juvenile delinquents back to the Earth to determine its habitability.
Plot: A Norwegian anthology series that blends horror with dark Scandinavian humour, setting each distinct story in its own realistic yet weird universe.
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, the last surviving humans discover a way of sending consciousness back through time, directly into people in the 21st century -- "travelers," who assume the lives of seemingly random people. They're also secretly working as teams to perform missions in order to save...
Plot: Based on the book by Brian McGreevy and executive produced by acclaimed horror master Eli Roth ("Hostel"), this Netflix original series revolves around the peculiar residents -- and killer creatures -- of Hemlock Grove, a dilapidated former steel town in Pennsylvania. The town is composed of people...
Plot: Several years since a zombie virus swept across America, there's only one person -- who goes by just Murphy -- known to have survived the infection -- the world's last hope at creating a vaccine. The last functioning viral lab needs blood from him for its antibodies, but the facility is in California...
Plot: `Locked Up' is a Spanish crime-drama following a middle-class young woman who is set up by her lover and boss for corporate fraud. Macarena Ferreiro finds herself locked away in a high-security women's prison after being framed, while the real perpetrator walks away with the stolen money. With ruthless...
Plot: Fortitude is a town in the Arctic that is unlike any other place on Earth. Surrounded by the picturesque polar landscape and filled with residents who form a tight-knit community, the town has never been the site of a violent crime. That changes, though, when a research scientist is killed, which leads...
Plot: A group of scientists travel to the Arctic in order to investigate a potential outburst of a disease. But they run into a life-or-death situation that may jeopardize the mankind on Earth.
Plot: A growing population of mythological immigrant creatures struggles to coexist with humans after the creatures' exotic homelands are invaded by the empires of man. The creatures are forbidden to live, love or fly with freedom, but hope lives in darkness. Human detective Rycroft "Philo" Philostrate and...
Plot: Global invasion of an alien attack destroys a huge number of human population within a few days, giving rise to Second Massachusetts, a group formed by the survivors who band together to fight back.
Plot: When Quentin gets enroled at Brakebills, a secret school for magicians, he learns that the fantasy world which he read about as a child is real and has become a threat to humanity.
Plot: This fantasy series sees fussy angel Aziraphale and loose-living demon Crowley team up to form an unlikely duo. The two have become overly fond of life on Earth, and they are forced into forming an alliance in an attempt to stop the approaching Armageddon. To do that, they have to find the missing Antichrist...
Plot: John Marlott, a talented investigator who discovers what at first glance appears to be the body of a dead child, but on further examination proves to be a crude assembly of body parts arranged in a grotesque parody of a human form.
Plot: A doctor is pitted against his best friend when an ancient disease turns people into vampires; from the comics by Jonathan Maberry and Alan Robinson.
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, things are different than what we are used to after humans have colonized the solar system and Mars has become an independent military power. Rising tensions between Earth and Mars have put them on the brink of war. Against this backdrop, a hardened detective and a rogue...
Plot: In 14th-century Barcelona, a serf's determined climb to wealth and freedom incurs the disdain of the noble class and the suspicion of the Inquisition.
Plot: Samuel Caronte, a former police officer, is unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. In prison, he prepares to become a criminal lawyer and, once out, help other people who have been through his situation.
Plot: While investigating the disappearance of a teen girl in a tight-knit Galician town, a Civil Guard officer uncovers secrets linked to a loss of her own.
Plot: Beneath the peaceful facade of Canberra, there is a secret city of deals and divided loyalties, lies and opportunism. Political journalist Harriet Dunkley thinks she knows the city, but as she forces her way closer to the truth she discovers a conspiracy. The subterfuge that she finds threatens her...