Plot: "G-Spot" centers on the misadventures both personal and professional of one-time star actress Gigi, whose critically acclaimed early film career has since regressed into a slew of roles in late-night, low-budget flicks. Tired of that act, the Montreal native moves to Los Angeles to commence her comeback...
Plot: Seputar iNews, is the flagship news program which broadcast on RCTI, replacing Seputar Indonesia from 1990 to 2017. The program broadcast for three to four hours each day through Seputar iNews Pagi, Seputar iNews Siang, Seputar iNews Malam, Sekilas iNews, and Breaking News. Wikipedia
Plot: Buletin iNews is the flagship news program which broadcast on GTV, replacing Buletin Indonesia from 2012 to 2017. The program broadcast for three to four hours each day through Buletin iNews Pagi, Buletin iNews Siang, Buletin iNews Malam, Kilas iNews, and Breaking News. Wikipedia
Plot: Opera Van Java is an improvisation comedy show broadcast on the Indonesian TV station Trans7. The show's concept is of wayang orang performances in a modern setting. As such, all positions are referred as wayang. The sketches are varied. Wikipedia
Plot: "Everything you need to know about everything." With a slogan like that, you might have high expectations when watching a show like "On the Spot." The show is a lightning-fast game of trivia that provides answers to questions such as "can a cow have an accent?" and "who got the world's longest standing...